Two Upcoming Juried Exhibitions!
Pleased to announce two juried exhibitions featuring my paintings: Kentucky Nude

Lexington Art League Reception: Friday December 6th 5-9pm Show Dates: December 6-January 5th, 2020 Closed December 23- Jan 1 The Lexington Art League has hosted 'The Nude' exhibition for most of the past 30 years. It has now grown to be one of the most anticipated exhibitions in the area. 2019 is the first year that this exhibition will be presented as a biennial for Kentucky artists. This year the exhibition will include appx. 80 artworks by over 50 Kentucky Artists.
Light in the Darkness: A Study of Hope and Healing

Kent Mansion Gallery, New Albany, Indiana, Reception: Thursday December 5th, 5:30- 7:30 Show Dates: December 5- January 6, 2020 The holidays can be a challenging time for those in pain, whether that pain is physical, psychological/emotional, or all of the above. Deaths and suicides tend to spike during holidays as people suffer alone or in groups where they cannot seem to make connections. Where can those who suffer find light? How can they find hope and healing? Artwork will explore light in darkness, hope and healing, or both ideas together.